What do I as a Service Provider have to do when two organizations merge?#

When two organizations merge their Feide user directories, you as a service provider will have to update any references to the users and organization at your end. This may be the Feide-ID of the user (eduPersonPrincipalName), organization numbers for schools and school owners, the realm/domain of the organization, etc.

The typical process is that the organizations merging contacts you regarding the merger. The new organization must provide you with a list of old and new user identifiers, and any other information that may change as part of the merger.

You and the new organization must then agree on a time to make the change. At that time, you must update the data in your system. At the same time, the organization changes the configuration at their end, so that new user data is sent to the service.

See the documentation for configuring the merger solution in the Feide customer portal for more details.