Reference# TLS requirements for LDAP servers TLS protocol version TLS cipher suites Certificates Testing compatibility Information models and object specification Attribute groups Attributes Person and account identifiers in Feide The Feide information model for lower education Feides information model for higher education norEdu* Object Class Specification LDAP validator Running the LDAP validator Validator errors APIs Feide API Groups API OpenID Connect userinfo Attributes from Feide Directories Guardian API Deprecated APIs MFA Technical specification MFA Examples OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0 UserIDs OpenID Connect details Logout SAML 2.0 Introduction SAML in Feide The user’s Feide session Metadata User attributes Testing Technical requisites Selecting the user organization Tokens used in Feide Feide access token Feide JWT access token ID token Feide test users Organizations and units Generic test users Test users that work with provisioning APIs