FS class#

Group representing a class (klasse) within a cohort (kull) in a program of study (studieprogram).


Attribute group

To retrieve these groups, the application needs access to the groups-edu attribute group / scope.

Organization type

This group type is available for higher education, where the organization has enabled the integration with Felles Studentsystem (FS).

Member list


  "id": "fc:fs:fs:klasse:example.org:RF:2024H:A",
  "type": "fc:fs:klasse",
  "displayName": "Klasse Rare fag A høst 2024",
  "membership": {
    "basic": "member",
    "active": true,
    "displayName": "Student",
    "fsroles": [
    "notBefore": "2024-07-30T22:00:00Z",
    "notAfter": "2025-07-30T22:00:00Z"
  "parent": "fc:fs:fs:prg:example.org:RF:2024H"

Group object#

The group objects has the following fields:

id (required, string)

Unique identifier of the group. This is a string with the format fc:fs:fs:klasse:<realm>:<program-of-study>:<cohort>:<class>. <realm> is the domain name of the organization. <program-of-study> is the identifier of the program of study. <cohort> is the identifier of the cohort within the program of study. <class> is the identifier of the class within the cohort.

type (required, string)

The group type. Always the string fc:fs:klasse for classes.

displayName (required, string)

The name of the class.

membership (optional, object)

The role of the current user in the group. This field is only present when requesting groups for a specific user.

parent (required, string)

The id of the parent group. This is the group for the cohort within the program of study.

Membership objects#

The membership object describes the role of the user in the class.

  "basic": "member",
  "active": true,
  "displayName": "Student",
  "fsroles": [
  "notBefore": "2024-07-30T22:00:00Z",
  "notAfter": "2025-07-30T22:00:00Z"

It has the following fields:

basic (required, string)

The basic membership role of the user. This field is a string with one of the following values:

  • owner: For instructors, etc in the class.

  • member: For students in the class.

active (required, boolean)

Whether the user is currently active in the group.

displayName (required, string)

A human readable descriptive name of the affiliation to the group.

fsroles (required, list of strings)

A list of roles from Felles studentsystem. E.g. ["STUDENT"].

notBefore (optional, string)

The date/time when the membership started.

notAfter (optional, string)

The date/time when the membership ended.