Teaching group#

A group of students who are taught together in a specific subject. This group also contains the teacher of the subject.

A typical example can be “Mathematics 3A”, i.e. the students in class 3A and the teacher of mathematics.


Attribute group

To retrieve these groups, the application needs access to the groups-edu attribute group / scope.

Organization type

This group type is available for primary, lower secondary and upper secondary schools.

Member list


  "id": "fc:gogroup:eksempel.kommune.no:u:NO987654321:3a-matte:2000-07-01:2100-06-30",
  "type": "fc:gogroup",
  "displayName": "Matte 3A",
  "membership": {
    "basic": "member",
    "displayName": "Elev",
    "affiliation": "student"
  "notBefore": "2000-06-30T22:00:00Z",
  "notAfter": "2100-06-30T22:00:00Z",
  "go_type": "u",
  "parent": "fc:gogroup:eksempel.kommune.no:unit:NO987654321",
  "go_type_displayName": "undervisningsgruppe",
  "grep": {
    "displayName": "Matematikk 3. årstrinn",
    "code": "MAT0003"

Group object#

The group objects has the following fields:

id (required, string)

Unique identifier of the group. Has the format fc:gogroup:<realm>:u:<organization-number>:<local-group-id>:<start-date>:<end-date>. <realm> is the domain name of the school owner. <organization-number> is the organization number of the school or the organization number of the school owner. In both cases it is prefixed with NO. <local-group-id> is the local identifier of the group at the school owner. <start-date> and <end-date> contain the first and last date the group the group is active.

type (required, string)

The group type. Always fc:gogroup for teaching groups.


There are multiple groups with the type fc:gogroup. To recognize a teaching group, check for both "type": "fc:gogroup" and "go_type": "u".

displayName (required, string)

A human readable name for the group. E.g. Matte 3A.

membership (optional, object)

The role of the current user in the group. This field is only present when requesting groups for a specific user.

notBefore (required, string)

The timestamp when the group became active / valid. This is typically before the school year.

notAfter (required, string)

The timestamp when the group is no longer active / valid. This is typically after the end of the school year.

go_type (required, string)

The group type code. Always u for teaching groups.

parent (required, string)

The group identifier of the school or school owner this group belongs to. This is usually a school, but it is possible to have basis groups that are not part of a specific school. In that case the parent is the school owner.

go_type_displayName (required, string)

A human readable name for the group type. Always undervisningsgruppe for teaching groups.

grep (required, object)

A JSON object with information about the subject from the Grep database. This JSON object contains two fields:

displayName (required, string)

A human readable name of the subject. This is derived from the tittel field in the Grep database.

code (required, string)

The Grep code of the subject. This is the kode field in the Grep database.

Membership object#

The membership object contains information about the user’s role in the teaching group.

  "basic": "member",
  "displayName": "Elev",
  "affiliation": "student"

It has the following fields:

basic (required, string)

The basic membership role of the user. This field is a string with one of the following values:

  • admin: For teachers in the group.

  • member: For students in the group.

affiliation (required, string)

The user’s affiliation to this group. Common values are:

  • student: For students in the group.

  • faculty: For teachers in the group.

displayName (required, string/object)

A human-readable version of the affiliation field.

This field is either a plain string or a JSON object with different translations. The JSON object contains the language code as key and the translation as value.

It will be returned as a plain string in most cases, but will be returned as a JSON object when retrieving group member lists.