Ad hoc groups#

Ad hoc groups allow end users to create their own groups. These groups can consist of users within one organization, or they can consist of users across organizations.


Attribute group

To retrieve these groups, the application needs access to the groups-other attribute group / scope.

Organization type

This group type is available for all organization types.

Member list


  "id": "fc:adhoc:b492111d-97f0-48ec-a492-ef0724eae3b5",
  "type": "voot:ad-hoc",
  "displayName": "Example group",
  "membership": {
    "basic": "member"
  "public": true,
  "description": "This is an example group"

Group object#

The group objects has the following fields:

id (required, string)

Unique identifier of the group. Has the format fc:adhoc:<identifier>. <identifier> is an UUID that identifies the group.

type (required, string)

The group type. Always voot:ad-hoc for ad hoc groups.

displayName (required, string)

The name of the group.

membership (optional, object)

The role of the current user in the group. This field is only present when requesting groups for a specific user.

public (optional, boolean)

Whether this group is included in the list of public groups. This is true if the group is public. If the group is not public, this field is absent.

description (optional, string)

A description of the group. This field is absent if there is no description.

Membership objects#

The membership object describes the role of the user in the ad hoc group.

  "basic": "member"

It has the following fields:

basic (required, string)

The basic membership role of the user. This field is a string with one of the following values:

  • owner: The owner of the group.

  • admin: Administrators of the group.

  • member: Other users in the group.