Available attributes from Feide directories#

The extended userinfo and user lookup endpoints return information from the directories of the user’s home organization. Which attributes are available to a service depends on the attribute groups the service has access to. The attribute groups are configured in the customer portal. Attribute groups correspond to scopes in OAuth/OpenID Connect terminology. The list below shows all attributes that may be returned. They are included in the response if the directory holds the data and the client has the corresponding attribute group.

For each attribute, the following information is given:

  • The attribute name

  • The attribute group required to access the attribute

  • The attribute’s data type

  • A description of the attribute

Required attributes#

As long as the client has the corresponding attribute group, the following attributes are always present in the response:

Attribute group: userinfo-name
Data type: Array which may hold multiple strings

The name of the person object in the directory

Attribute group: userinfo-name
Data type: String

Person’s preferred name

Attribute group: groups-org
Data type: Array which may hold multiple strings

Person’s role at home organization (e. g.: student, employee)

Attribute group: groups-edu or userinfo-entitlement
Data type: Array which may hold multiple strings

This attribute has multiple uses. Feide uses it to encode group affiliations for primary and secondary education. Organizations may also use it for other purposes.

Entitlements which encode groups are available to services which have the groups-edu scope. The encoding is described in Appendix 3 - Registration of group information within eduPersonEntitlement. However, we strongly recommend that services use the groups API to access group information.

Example - group affiliations for a primary school teacher:

"eduPersonEntitlement": [

Services which have the userinfo-entitlement scope will get all entitlements which match any of the entitlement prefixes registered for the service in the customer portal.

Example - organization internal use:

"eduPersonEntitlement": [
Attribute group: userid-feide
Data type: String

Person’s Feide ID

Attribute group: userinfo-name
Data type: Array which may hold multiple strings

Person’s first name

Attribute group: userinfo-name
Data type: String

Person’s formal name as registered with public authorities

Attribute group: userid-nin
Data type: String

Person’s national identity number

Attribute group: userinfo-name
Data type: Array which may hold multiple strings

Person’s surname

Attribute group: userid-feide
Data type: Array which holds a single string

Person’s local username

Attributes required for higher education#

The attributes below are required for higher education and optional for primary and secondary education.

Attribute group: email
Data type: Array which may hold multiple strings

Person’s email address

Attribute group: groups-org
Data type: String

Realm for the person’s home organization

Optional attributes#

The following attributes are optional:

Attribute group: userid-orcid
Data type: Array which may hold multiple strings

Person’s ORCID digital researcher IDs

Attribute group: groups-org
Data type: String

Person’s primary role (e.g. student, employee)

Attribute group: userid-feide
Data type: Array which may hold multiple strings

Person’s previous Feide IDs at the same organization

Attribute group: groups-org
Data type: Array which may hold multiple strings

Person’s role and institution at home organization. Example: ["student@trondheim.kommune.no", "student@no975278921.trondheim.kommune.no"]

Attribute group: userinfo-phone
Data type: Array which may hold multiple strings

Person’s facsimile telephone number

Attribute group: userinfo-phone
Data type: Array which may hold multiple strings

Person’s home phone number

Attribute group: userinfo-address
Data type: Array which may hold multiple strings

Person’s home postal address

Attribute group: userinfo-address
Data type: Array which may hold multiple strings

Name of locality

Attribute group: userinfo-mobile
Data type: Array which may hold multiple strings

Person’s mobile telephone number

Attribute group: userinfo-birthdate
Data type: String

Person’s date of birth

Attribute group: userid-lin
Data type: Array which holds a single string

Local replacement for national identity number

Attribute group: groups-org
Data type: String

Name of the person’s home organization

Attribute group: groups-org
Data type: Array which may hold multiple strings

Name of the person’s school/organization unit

Attribute group: userinfo-address
Data type: Array which may hold multiple strings

Person’s P.O. box

Attribute group: userinfo-address
Data type: Array which may hold multiple strings

Person’s postal addresses

Attribute group: userinfo-address
Data type: Array which may hold multiple strings

Person’s postal code

Attribute group: userinfo-language
Data type: String

Person’s preferred language

Attribute group: userinfo-address
Data type: Array which may hold multiple strings

Person’s street address

Attribute group: userinfo-phone
Data type: Array which may hold multiple strings

Person’s telephone numbers

Attribute group: userinfo-title
Data type: Array which may hold multiple strings

Person’s title