Missing basis group for pupil#
This error only applies to primary and secondary schools.
All pupils should normally be associated with a basis group (basisgruppe). This is the “klasse” or “basisgruppe” that the pupil is associated with, e.g. “5A”.
We check the eduPersonAffiliation attribute to see if the user is a pupil.
If the user has student
in eduPersonAffiliation, the user is a pupil.
In that case, we check that the user is associated with a basis group.
Group information is registered in the eduPersonEntitlement attribute of the
user directory. Basis groups are represented as eduPersonEntitlement-values with the prefix
If the pupil for some reason should not be part of any basis group, this error can be ignored.
See Appendix 3 - Registration of group information within eduPersonEntitlement for more details.