Group types#

The available groups depend on the organization type.

Primary, lower secondary and upper secondary education#

For primary and secondary education, we have the following group types:

  • School owner: Each user is associated with a single school owner. For primary and lower secondary schools, this is usually the municipality. For upper secondary schools, this is usually the county.

  • School: Each user can be associated with one or more schools.

  • Basis group: A group of students who are taught together. This typically represents a class (e.g. 10A). The basis group also contains one or more contact teachers (“kontaktlærere”) for the students.

  • Teaching group: A group of students who are taught together in a specific subject. Also contains the teacher.

  • Other education group: Other groups that are used to organize the students and teachers.

  • Grep group: Groups representing subjects, curricula, etc. from the national Grep database.

Higher education#

For higher education, research institutions, etc. we have the following group types:

  • Organization: Each user is associated with a single organization.

  • Organization unit: The organization can register various organization units. Can be used to represent faculties, institutes, departments, etc.

If the organization is using Felles Studentsystem (FS) and has enabled the FS integration, the following group types are also available:

Common groups#

Some groups are available for all organization types: