Organization information#

The organization information API provides access to information about organizations connected to Feide. This includes both host organizations (organizations whose users can log in using Feide) and service providers.

The organization information API is available under

Data model#

An organization object has the following structure:

  "id": "42",
  "name": {
    "en": "Example municipality",
    "nb": "Eksempel kommune",
    "nn": "Døme kommune"
  "realm": "",
  "organization_number": "123456789",
  "type": [
  "attribute_release_policy": "info",
  "count_auth": 538,
  "count_error_user": 146,
  "count_error_org": 30,
  "schema_version": "1.6",
  "support_email": "",
  "support_phone": "+4798765432",
  "support_url": {
     "en": "",
     "nb": ""


The id field contains the identifier of the organization in the Feide database.


This is the name of the organization. It is an object containing key/value pairs where the key is a language code and the value is the name in that language. The currently available languages are nb (Norwegian bokmål), nn (Norwegian nynorsk), se (Sami) and en (English). Not all languages are available for all organizations.


The realm contains the realm of the users in the organization. This is the part after the @ in the eduPersonPrincipalName field in authentication responses from Feide.

This field is only applicable to home organizations. For service providers it will be null.


The organization_number contains the organization_number of the organization.

This field is only applicable to home organizations.

This field is not returned by default. Use the fields query parameter to include this field in the response.


The types of the organization. This is a list containing the different categories of the organization. The following types are available:

  • higher_education: A university or university college.

  • home_organization: A home organization, which is an organization whose users can log into Feide services.

  • primary_and_lower_secondary: A organization providing primary and lower secondary schools. Typically municipalities, but also includes private schools.

  • service_provider: An organization providing one or more services.

  • upper_secondary: A organization providing upper secondary schools. Mainly county councils, but also includes private schools.


User consent policy for home organization. This can have the following values:

  • consent: Users have to give consent to transferring information to services during login.

  • info: Users are only informed about the information that is being transferred.

This field is only applicable to home organizations. For service providers it will be null.

This field is not returned by default. Use the fields query parameter to include this field in the response.


The number of authentications done by users at the organization the last week.

This field is not returned by default. Use the fields query parameter to include this field in the response.


The number of authentications with errors in information about the user during the same time period as count_auth.

The information is validated against the requirements in the schema_version presented by the organization.

This field is not returned by default. Use the fields query parameter to include this field in the response.


The number of authentications with errors in information about the organization and organization units during the same time period as count_auth.

The information is validated against the requirements in the schema_version presented by the organization.

This field is not returned by default. Use the fields query parameter to include this field in the response.


Feide schema version used by the organization.

This field is not returned by default. Use the fields query parameter to include this field in the response.


Email where the organization provides support for its users or customers. null if no email given.

This field is not returned by default. Use the fields query parameter to include this field in the response.


Phone number where the organization provides support for its users or customers. null if no phone given.

This field is not returned by default. Use the fields query parameter to include this field in the response.


URL where the organization publishes support info for its users or customers. null if no URL given. It is an object containing key/value pairs where the key is a language code and the value is a URL. There is one pair for each language we have a URL for. The currently available languages are nb (Norwegian bokmål), nn (Norwegian nynorsk), se (Sami) and en (English). Not all languages are available for all organizations.

This field is not returned by default. Use the fields query parameter to include this field in the response.

Available endpoints#

There are two endpoints available for organization data, one for retrieving all organizations, and one for fetching a single organization

Fetching all organizations#


This returns a JSON array containing all organizations.

Use the fields query parameter to select fields in the response.

Fetching a single organization#


This returns a JSON object for the single organization with the id ORG-ID If the organization does not exist, a “404 Not Found” error is returned.

Use the fields query parameter to select fields in the response.