
Hierarchy of roles showing first level entities member, affiliate, alum and library-walk in. Under member is shown student and employee. Under employee is showm faculty and staff.


Specifies the person’s role at the organization in broad categories such as student, staff, employee etc.


Permissible values are: faculty, student, staff, alum, member, affiliate, employee, library-walk-in. These are arranged in a hierarchy (as shown in the figure to the right). A student/pupil will have the values member and student. An educational employee will have all the values member, employee and faculty. A person serving as both principal and teacher will have the values member, employee, and both staff and faculty. The attribute eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation gives the person’s primary role.


A pupil/student has all the values:

  • student

  • member

A teacher (or in higher education: member of the scientific staff) has all the values:

  • faculty

  • employee

  • member

An employee without any educational responsibility has all the values:

  • staff

  • employee

  • member

The value “affiliate” is used to show that a person is affiliated with the organization, but that there is no formal contracts of employment or studying:

  • affiliate

A person can fill several roles, in example be both an employee and a student at the same time. The person then has all the roles:

  • student

  • staff

  • employee

  • member

Another example of multiple roles is when a person serves as both a principal and a teacher. In this case, the person holds the values of both staff and faculty.

  • staff

  • faculty

  • employee

  • member

Technical details#



Availability in higher education.:


Availability, primary and secondary school.:


Entry type:


Short description:

Person’s role (ex. student, employee)