
The statistics API gives access to information about the number of logins in Feide.

Summary statistics#

The summary statistics provides a set of total logins for various organizations types over a set of time periods.

Summary statistics is available from:

The returned data of the endpoint is a object where each key is the organization types. Under each organization type the data is further subdivided by the time period. Finally at the leaf node, we have the number of logins.

  "upper_secondary": {
    "this_month": 3884839,
    "this_week": 1268936,
    "today": 227977,
    "this_year": 61763975
  "all": {
    "this_month": 9394867,
    "this_week": 2937908,
    "today": 516802,
    "this_year": 152547498
  "higher_education": {
    "this_month": 3020137,
    "this_week": 877840,
    "today": 146909,
    "this_year": 51684841
  "primary_and_secondary": {
    "this_month": 6357972,
    "this_week": 2055699,
    "today": 369134,
    "this_year": 100548883
  "primary_and_lower_secondary": {
    "this_month": 3849200,
    "this_week": 1238792,
    "today": 220194,
    "this_year": 60916448

Organization types#

The organization types are:

  • all: Covers all organizations.

  • higher_education: Covers higher education (university & university colleges).

  • primary_and_lower_secondary: Primary and lower secondary schools. (Norwegian: Barne- og ungdomsskoler.)

  • upper_secondary: Upper secondary schools. (Norwegian: Videregående skoler.)

  • primary_and_secondary: Covers primary, lower secondary and upper secondary schools. (Norwegian: Barneskoler, ungdomsskoler og videregående skoler.)

Note: Some organizations in Feide cover both primary and lower secondary schools as well as upper secondary schools. This means that if you simply sum primary_and_lower_secondary with upper_secondary, you will be counting some logins twice, and get a larger number than primary_and_secondary.

Time periods#

The time periods are:

  • today: Logins this far today.

  • this_week: Logins during the current week.

  • this_month: Logins this month.

  • this_year: Logins this year.

The periods are adjusted to the Europe/Oslo time zone.