Getting access to the customer portal#
To registerer and manage your organizations integrations with Feide, your organization needs access to the Feide customer portal. If your organization is already a service provider or home organization in Feide, you should already have access. If not another Feide administrator can add you as a new Feide administrator for their organizations in the customer portal. This is done under “Organization” by clicking on “Edit” under “Administrator”. Enter the username chosen when creating the user at and domain @ as Feide ID. It may take 10 minutes for these changes to be updated.
If your organization is not, register as a service provider in Feide.
The first step is to fill out the application form, then we will assess whether you meet the requirements to become a service provider in Feide. Anyone who delivers digital services to the education sector can become service providers in Feide and its free. This applies to both public and private, non-commercial and commercial service providers and Norwegian and international service providers.
The Feide administrators that need access also needs to register accounts at the Feide OpenIdP.
Once you have filled out the application form and the administrators have registered account at the Feide OpenIdP, send an email to with the usernames of the Feide administrators. E.g.:
Subject: Usernames for administrators at [organization]
These are the usernames for the Feide administrators:
Name: username
Other Name: otherusername
Once we have that information, we will register your organization in the customer portal and give you access.
All users in Norwegian education should choose Login for host organizations in the customer portal and use Feide to login to the portal. For users without a Feide account, choose Login for service providers to login to the portal.