Test users#

When developing services with Feide login, you often need test users to test the login process. We have some standard test users that can be used for testing, but we can also create a couple of new test users if it’s necessary for testing the service.

Getting access to test users#

To get the test users send an e-mail to kontakt@sikt.no with information about:

  • Which service and configuration is used.

  • What type of organization the test users should come from (primary and lower secondary schools, upper secondary schools and/or universities/university colleges).

To check what information is registered about the user, log in to innsyn.feide.no.

Enabling test users in the service#

Test users are enabled for specific configurations in the customer portal. See the documentation for managing services for details:

Logging in using test users#

Start login in the service and you should then be sent to the Feide login system.

If your service is using OpenID Connect, you will arrive at a page where you can select the login method:

Screenshot showing organization selection page with "Other login alternatives" section.

Select “Feide test users” (“Feide testbrukere”) under “Other login alternatives” (“Andre påloggingsalternativer”) to log in using test users.

If your service is using SAML 2.0, the page to select the organization is different. Here the test users are available in the organization drop down list:

Screenshot showing expanded organization selection list.

Select “Feide test users” (“Feide testbrukere”) in this list to log in using test users.