Groups for primary and secondary education#

There are two types of groups for primary and secondary education in Norway:

Instruction groups, etc. for primary and secondary education#


Specific to primary and secondary education in Norway

Group attributes#

Attributes from VOOT Core#


  • fc:gogroup


  • A unique identifier of the group. The group identifier consists of 8 fields separated by ‘:’. The first two are the group type: fc:gogroup. These are followed by:

    • The Feide realm, e.g

    • The group type identifier, e. g. u

    • The organization number - usually of the school, but it can also be of the school owner. E. g. NO974588145

    • A local group identifier - unique within the organization number, e.g. 427383%2Fsaf0010.

      In this example, the local part contains a ‘%’ characters, one of a set of characters that needs special care when part of a URL. See Group identifiers in URLs for more information about this.

    • The first date the group is valid, e. g. 2021-07-31

    • The final date the group is valid, e. g. 2022-07-31

  • Example: ""

  • The details can be found in the information model for primary and secondary education, but there is an important difference: The model only specifies how the information is represented in the host organizations´s LDAP directory. In LDAP, fc:grogroup:<realm> is dropped, but a prefix is added. The example above is represented in LDAP as


  • A human friendly name of the group. Provided by the group creator.

  • Datatype: Translatable String

  • Example: "Samfunnsfag 10A"


  • A pointer to the school identifier. In some cases, it can point to the ID of the school owner.

  • Example: ""


  • The group did not exist before this date.

  • Datatype: SCIM DateTime

  • Example: "2021-07-30T22:00:00Z"


  • The group is deleted or not valid after this date.

  • Datatype: SCIM DateTime

  • Example: "2022-07-30T22:00:00Z"

Specific attributes for fc:gogroup#


  • These groups belong to one out of three types. go_type is set to a single letter group type identifier. Possible values are:

    • b: “Basisgruppe”

    • u: “Undervisningsgruppe”

    • a: other groups, e.g. contact teacher, lab, special needs, etc.

  • Example: "u"


  • A human friendly name of the group type.

  • Example: "undervisningsgruppe"


  • A reference to a subject represented as a JSON object, with the attributes code and displayName.

  • code refers to a valid Grep code of a a subject.

  • displayName is a human readable descriptive name of the subject.

  • Example referring to “Matematikk 1T” which has the Grep subject identifier “MAT1013”:

    "code": "MAT1013",
    "displayName": "Matematikk 1T"

Membership attributes#

The user’s relationship to the group is expressed in a membership object. For this group type, the object can contain the following attributes:


  • This value may be member, admin or owner.

  • Example: "member"


  • A human readable descriptive name of the affiliation to the group.

  • Example: "Elev"


  • The user’s affiliation to this group. Possible values are:

    • student for a student

    • faculty for a teacher

    • staff for non teaching staff

    • affiliate for a person who belongs to the group without being a student or an employee

  • Example: "student"

Example of a “basisgruppe”:

    "membership": {
        "basic": "admin",
        "affiliation": "faculty",
        "displayName": "L\u00e6rer"
    "displayName": "Klasse 1SFA",
    "go_type": "b",
    "go_type_displayName": "basisgruppe",
    "type": "fc:gogroup",
    "notAfter": "2015-06-15T00:00:00Z",
    "notBefore": "2014-08-01T00:00:00Z",
    "id": "",
    "parent": ""

Example of an “undervisningsgruppe”

    "membership": {
        "basic": "admin",
        "affiliation": "faculty",
        "displayName": "L\u00e6rer"
    "displayName": "Matematikk 1TA VG1 studieforberedende",
    "go_type_displayName": "undervisningsgruppe",
    "type": "fc:gogroup",
    "notAfter": "2015-06-15T00:00:00Z",
    "notBefore": "2014-08-01T00:00:00Z",
    "go_type": "u",
    "grep": {
        "code": "MAT1013",
        "displayName": "Matematikk 1T"
    "id": "",
    "parent": ""

Groups that denote entries in the national database of subjects, curricula, etc#


Specific to primary and secondary education in Norway

All subjects, curricula, etc. taught in Norwegian primary and secondary schools are registered in the national Grep database. Users who are studying or teaching a subject are considered members of a group corresponding to the Grep entry of the subject. Thus, these groups are the same at all schools where the subject is taught.

Group attributes#

Attributes from VOOT Core#


  • fc:grep


  • A unique identifier of the group. The group identifier consists of the group type, fc:grep, followed by the Grep code.

  • Example: "fc:grep:uuid:d00b8395-8f57-4ca3-bb6f-a3d718ffd341"


  • A human friendly name of the group. Fetched from the Grep database.

  • Datatype: Translatable String

  • Example: "Samfunnsfag 1. \u00e5rstrinn"


  • A boolean flag indicating whether the existence of this group and the basic group information is publicly available. Always true for this group type.

  • Datatype: SCIM Boolean

  • Example: true

Specific attributes for fc:grep#


  • The type of Grep entry. Possible values include fagkoder, programomraader, utdanningsprogram and aarstrinn. Here is a complete list.

  • Example: "fagkoder"

code * The short form Grep code of a subject. * Example: "SAF0001"

Membership attributes#

The user’s relationship to the group is expressed in a membership object. For this group type, the object can contain the following attribute:


  • Its value will be member.

  • Example: "member"